Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Sunday 1st Feb 2004

That little fellow there proved to be a lot stronger that I had expected. Yes, the woman on the market stall said it was a habanero pepper, and I should have just gone, "Habanero, yes, I know about them . . . so maybe just one or two in the chilli." But it didn't really seem that strong with two in, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to add an extra one . . . but it did. Tania and M**** couldn't eat the chilli, as it was just way too strong for them. In the end, I had to order a pizza for them both. Shame, really, as the chilli was gorgeous . . . based, as it was, slightly on this recipe, although I didn't bother with all that capsicum and casserole dish crazy-ness. Oh, and I didn't bother with any of the other chilli peppers mentioned in the recipe . . . and the chilli powder . . . well, some of that was used in the oil to fry the onions but, otherwise, no. P'raps a teaspoon of chilli powder and three habanero peppers, and whilst I could manage a stronger chilli, I think I had made something pretty lethal (for the average person). So there you go. I need some breakfast.

Added some more dull tables (graphs still proving problematic) to the statistics page, which seems to show that the hours between 12:00 and 15:00 are the most popular for visiting my web-site. Great. Oh, and that dullest of days, Tuesday, seems also to feature highly there. Okay.

From the BBC web-site today - Linux steps into the limelight

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