Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Wednesday 5th September 2007

Well, that was odd. Choosing my timing impeccably, I thought now was about time to do a bit of cleansing of unneeded files from my hard-drive. Not that it was nearly full or anything; I was just bored, more than anything. Anyway, I managed to break my computer so that I couldn't log-in or nothing. So that meant I had to put in my rescue disk and try to repair the damage. Trouble was, every time I rebuilt the system (or thought I had), something horrible went and happened and I was back to square one (or zero). Not good. I'm not sure how I eventually got it all working again (recompiled the kernel and then issued an 'emerge -e system' followed by 'emerge -e world' - that may have helped), but it seems fine now. I seem to have inadvertently upgraded Apache (that is, I had to remove and then re-install Apache, hence the down-time of the web-site), downgraded gcc and god knows what else. Blah, blah, blah.