Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Sunday 23rd June 2013

Where the internet does not reach . . .
P6236140.JPGP6236135.JPGOf course, there are many places where the Google search returns zero results. That's nothing new. Here's a knife that my grandfather had that I'm having trouble getting any useful information regarding. William Rodgers. "I cut my way". Made in Sheffield, England. None of these searches yield anything meaningful.
20130623_171537.jpgThe picture to the left was found on my phone. I got a lot of pictures on my phone that just kind of ended up on the phone and nowhere else. I'm trying to remedy that.

The Three Brothers or something
P6236145.JPGP6236147.JPGP6236148.JPG So here we are out for a walk somewhere like Silverdale, Warton, The Yealands or . . . somewhere like that. I think it was more a kind of Warton area actually. If you're wondering why R******'s a little speck in a field in one of these pictures it's because he was having a sulk about something . . . something probably very minor and petty in retrospect, but no doubt it seemed major to R****** at the time. P6236149.JPG Ah yes! I remember! M**** pointed out that R****** was wearing a pyjama top underneath his ordinary long-sleeved top. Bad mistake. From that point on, R****** wanted the pyjama top removed, cast to a fiery pit of hell. We were like, "Look, seriously, just leave the pyjama top on. It doesn't matter. No one can see the pyjama top anyway as it's underneath the long-sleeved top." But, hey, we were foolishly trying to use and apply logic and common sense. Bad mistake. Eventually the top was removed.