Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Friday 3rd June 2005

So, tonight a few people from work did go to Reclaim. Steve pointed out the tables and some things hanging on the walls as items that may have been . . . reclaimed. Ah, I see now. So, that's why it's called reclaim. I never really got it. Meanwhile, M**** was out with her work people, this being her last day before going on maternity leave. They got her some presents. This is one of them. Is that Chris Martin from Coldplay in the background there? Erm . . . yes. I think he's performing some dreary song about the speed of sound (it's approximately 330 metres per second through air, I believe, although this varies depending upon the temperature/humidity/pressure of the air through which the sound passes . . . interestingly, it's not the speed of sound that's being measured, of course, but rather the rate of transmission of energy from one particle to another; sound is a human construct . . . erm, yes, I think I'll go now).