Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Friday 30th May 2014

A walk around Bowkerstead something or another
After lunch at the Lakeside Motor Museum . . . during which . . . M**** remembered that we had forgotten our all-important Grizedale walk leaflet but here's when modern technology comes into play. I find all this stuff amazing - that I was able to use my smartphone to download the map in question from the Forestry Commission web-site and then also (for an encore) download Adobe Acrobat in order to view said map. All done within 10 minutes and the whole lack-of-map problem was solved. Anyway, that aside . . . after lunch we headed for the car park at Blind Lane and did the 4 mile 'white trail' around High Bowkerstead and all was good. We had a bit of a wildlife spotting frenzy today, starting off with this massive tawny owl (we think) swooping past our car and then various butterflies, bugs, caterpillars and unusual looking birds. Oh, and then there were the sculptures, of course, this being Grizedale Forest. The upside-boat thing was new to us.