Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Saturday 21st May 2011

Gell-Mann further predicted the existence of a ninth resonance
So yeah . . . we've had to start 'locking' the computer (i.e. you need to type in the password in order to use it) before we go to bed at night. A****** has taken it upon himself to wake up at 6am (or thereabouts), stumble downstairs and watch television (television and computer being the same thing, or at least 'television' being a function of 'computer' . . . or something), until everyone else wakes up. Nonetheless, despite us having done this for the last two nights, A****** still woke up at something like 06:15, with a failed attempt at using the computer / television / thing. So . . . yeah . . . A******, get back to bed. Go back to sleep. R****** woke up going on about his stomach hurting. Well, christ, we gotta choose some carpet thing for the loft. So we did that. Then we went to Nanna-grandpa-with-the-two-cats. We had lunch there and then, up in the bathroom, R****** was sick down the side of the bath. Ah well, at least he did it in the bathroom. I moved R****** quickly to the toilet where he, erm, finished off. Who needs the details, eh? A****** and R****** were meant to be staying over with Helen and Stu tonight, but it ended being just A******. We took R****** home and he went to sleep for a couple of hours. I think I fell asleep too. M**** and I then got down to some DIY stuff - removing three downstairs doors from their frames, preparing them and then applying two coats of undercoat. Dave (landscape gardener) got busy with paving the patio throughout today until the heavens opened . . . probably about 3pm, or thereabouts. Pretty dull stuff, all in all.