Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Thursday 17th March 2005

Went wandering around town with M**** after work. There were quite a few freaks in large black/green hats staggering and shouting around town at that time. Indeed, on our way from Borders to, er . . . I don't know . . . somewhere like Monsoon . . . we were just heading down Briggate, you know? Anyway, we're heading down there, and there's this freak, a man in his mid to late thirties, dressed in jeans and denim jacket, I guess . . . nothing special, and he's dancing to something, and there's these community support officers, a man and a woman, kind of watching him, smiling but also wondering what to make of this. I noticed he had a little, portable CD player of some kind . . . the music was odd, foreign, Hawaiian perhaps . . . whatever, so it wasn't like he was dancing to something only he could hear, although his sense of rhythm was questionable, so maybe the music he was dancing to wasn't the music we could hear. I just don't know. A town full of freaks. Yeah, so . . . what was I going on about? I think you had finished. Oh, okay. No time for decorating tonight. We got home late and then I had a DVD to burn for Liz.