Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Friday 2nd December 2011

Is it just me, or are pensions like really weird? I've always thought that, or at least as long as I've been 'contributing' to some kind of pension scheme. So, at some point I'm gonna be too old or infirm or mad or whatever to be able to do any meaningful work. At that point, I expect the money I've put aside over the years to be used to fund the lifestyle to which I've been accustomed to. Perhaps the tax-payer might care to contribute some money towards my retirement years. That okay? But here's the thing - how much money have I put aside and will it be enough? What if it's not enough to cover my 'retirement years'? How many years are we talking about? Can the tax-payer just, you know, foot the difference? Perhaps if the tax-payer is willing to contribute to my living expenses whilst retired, would said tax-payer still be willing if your entire economy was kinda like screwed? Discuss.