Sunday 17th December 2006
Today we did go over to Ambleside to visit M****'s grandparents. I feel like I should write more on this, but a voice at the back of my head says that I'm only writing anything in this space in order to sort out the positioning of those two images to the bottom right there.
My computer keeps locking up. It's getting rather annoying. Ever since I bought this new motherboard, weird things keep happening. It doesn't help 
that Bebbgee lost my original nVidia-based video card and have dumped me with some wretched ATI thing (All-in-Wonder?! Hello?) and my computer really doesn't like that one. Hmmmmm. So yes. Oooo, that reminds me - I've got to collect a 10lb turkey tomorrow (today is actually Friday 22nd December) at some point. Might need to clear some space in the garage. Hmmmm. Right. Better hang those damp clothes up anyway.