Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Wednesday 25th October 2006

Blimey - that was easy. The spamming web-bot things have stopped leaving stupid viagra adverts in the comments section of my web-site (curiously only targeting 12th August 2006, as previously mentioned). Well, I say stopped . . . viagra adverts were dumped here on Monday and Tuesday at approximately 16:30, so I figure it was some sort of cronjob running. Nothing happened at 16:30 today following changes made to the script concerned with leaving comments. If it happens again, I figure I insert one of those random images containing a sequence of numbers/letters and you have to type them in to a text box. That should really fox them. I know such images can be interpreted and decoded by clever software, but who can really be bothered? I mean, what is the point of it all? Stupid, stupid, stupid. Anyway, time to write to my local MP. BYE!