Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Thursday 19th January 2012

Preparations for the wedding continues apace (?! Is that the expression? Looks kind of weird when you write it down like that . . . type it down, I mean) . . . erm . . . kind of. M****'s doing most of it, as I'm at work during the day-time. Hey, that's my excuse. But secretly I think she really enjoys it, all that planning. Here's a good tip for anyone planning a wedding though: don't buy a wedding magazine. Why? Well, perhaps all those original ideas you thought you had don't suddenly seem all that original and then you start to question free will, the subconscious, creativity, determinism, mortality, death, the universe, the Large Hadron Collider, low-energy nuclear reactions, life boats (which should always be placed so as to catch the captain should he fall off the ship during an emergency) and . . . no, I think I'm thinking of something else here . . . but yeah. The song remains the same (what?! Lep Zeppelin?!): why have I just wasted £4.99 on this? (this being the wedding magazine, held aloft and in disgust between thumb and index finger)