Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Sunday 28th January 2007

Stomach bugs, dontcha just love 'em? A****** came down with something on Wednesday night but is largely recovered now, save for a loss of apetite. But then, having two huge premolars (apparently) emerging . . . well, that ain't any kind of fun. Needless to say, A****** dutifully passed on the bug to both myself and M****, me first and then M****. Without going into details, the stomach says, "There's something in me I don't like, and it's gotta get out," so yeah . . . fill in the blanks. I had an early night on Saturday night and am largely recovered. The most annoying dreams though . . . it was like I was wandering amongst the deepest, darkest depths of Linux kernel options (I suppose comparable with Windows regedit) and over and over and over again I was looking for something very specific - some kind of option to enable something or else meta-enable that same something. It didn't make any kind of sense, and yet the same dream kept happening over and over and over again (as if the repitition would get the message across), and then dreams of me explaining what it all meant to someone and how this related to reality. I needed to un-tick the stomach bug option. Oh . . . and the wardrobe, yes. Most of this had been constructed the previous day, and there was just the doors to attach. A****** discovered the dangers of being inside a wardrobe shortly after those pictures were taken, when I accidentally (well, what else?) trapped one of his fingers in the door. Oooooops.