Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Wednesday 27th Apr 2005
Nothing much to report. In the evening, got more painting done in the living room. Just going over the walls, uncovering the odd bit of dodgy plastering. That's the thing with rollers, see - they tend to pull on the walls which nothing in the preparation stage was able or willing to do. Suddenly I'm finding holes that weren't there before. Not good. Anyway . . . I keep wanting to write something about all the political shenanigans going on right now . . . it's kind of entertaining following the three main parties arguing amongst themselves. Also good to know Iraq still features largely (did anyone realise the search for those so-called 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' was quietly ended earlier this year?). I would have thought a collective amnesia would have once again mysteriously swept over the whole thing, and it would all be talk of taxes, the NHS, immigration, blah blah blah . . . but no. So that's good. All I would say is to vote for the party you believe in and forget all the rubbish about negative voting and tactical voting. I'm still a fan of but hey . . . each to their own. There's also this, but I haven't checked it out fully yet.

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